Note: David Reed’s Geocities page, frequently linked and quoted below, will be disappearing as Yahoo! shuts down Geocities. Thus, those links will break, and also in part, my rush in getting this page and the related files assembled.
Reading Railroad by Alan Moon
David Reed writes:
Take a Ride on the Reading by Alan Moon, published originally in The General volume 23, number 6 (and due to be republished in the Train Gamer’s Gazette volume 2, number 4), added the Reading Railroad to the game and suggested several other changes to the rules of play.
I’ve assembled a PDF of the rules for the Reading Railroad Variant. Source files for the new track tiles and shares may be found here and here.
Coalfields by Alan Moon
David Reed writes:
The Coalfields by Alan Moon, published orginally in Games International number 6 (and recently republished in the Train Gamer’s Gazette volume 2, number 2), added the Norfolk and Western Railroad; an extra portion of the board; two “7” trains; off-board connections that can be the center of a run, instead of the end; and suggested several other changes to the rules of play. including rules for combining The Coalfields with Take a Ride on the Reading.
I’ve found two supporting archives, fortunately non-contradictory: one and two. The former has the advantage of providing both the new rules and colour images for the new map sections, tiles and shares.
Update: Please note that the colour PDF I’ve assembled above for the Coalfields expansion prints the map extensions slightly too small. It doesn’t accurately match the 1830 map. The resulting map sections, while undersized are certainly playable albeit also ungainly and clumsy. Oddly the track tiles that go onto the board are however just fine. The track tiles placed by players appear to be small by a similar fraction to the map extensions.
I have not yet determined why this is true, or what the correct scaling factor is. I estimate by rough eye that it is not far under 10%.
Perre Marquette Railroad by Federico Vellani
David Reed writes:
The Pere Marquette by Federico Vellani, published in the Train Gamer’s Gazette volume 3, number 1, adds a new western railroad.
I’ve stashed a PDF of a photocopy of the original magazine article documenting the new company and related rules changes.
David Reed writes:
The 1830 Debt Variant by John Puddifoot, published originally in the Train Gamer’s Gazette volume 1, number 3, added the ability for companies to go into debt (similar to, but not exactly like the debt rules in 1856).
I’ve assembled a PDF of the rules for the Bonds/Corporate Debt Variant.
Chesapeake Bay Bridge by Carl Burger
David Reed writes:
The Chesapeake Bay Bridge by Carl Burger has not been published anywhere yet, to my knowledge. It adds on to the Coalfields variant. A bridge between hexes J14 and I17 is the only added terrain. K15 (The N&W base) is now has room for two tokens, and its value changes based on phase from $30 to $50 to $60. Two tiles are also added: one each of tile 145 (from 1870) and 220 (from 1835).
I’ve been unable to find any further details.
“Simple” by John David Galt
David Reed writes:
The “Simple” 1830 variant by John David Galt adds the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, & Pacific (CMSt.P&P - The “Milwaukee Road”) starting with 3 tokens in hex D2 (Flint MI) and the Louisville & Nashville (L&N) starting with 3 tokens in hex H4 (Dayton OH). Both companies have standard 1830 share set-ups (President: 20% and 8 x 10%). The third “6” train should be used, but no other trains should be added. These should only be used with 5 or 6 players. The variant also adds a couple of gray tiles, which will be available when the first six train is sold. The first is a tile identical to the Toronto tile in 1856 for New York City; the second is a “B” tile (two hole city with five exits, worth 70). Only one of each of these tiles is added.
In an email exchange with John David Galt about this variant, he commented:
What’s up on that long-dead site is all there is. The variant was
nothing more than a one-liner response to someone on the 18xx mailing list who wanted an 1830 variant with more companies.
I’ve been unable to find any further details except for Keieth Thomasson’s mention listed below under the Nickel Plate variant.
Nickel Plate by Wolfram Janich
Mentioned in several places, including in Kieth Thomasson’s issue 138 of For Whom The Die Rolls, December 2006. Quoting from that magazine:
The 1830 Variant Box No.1 is just enough information to intrigue but not enough to give
any idea what this actually contains. This is published by Wolfram Janich and contains the
Wabash Cannonball Variant by Harry Wu, the ‘Simple’ Variant by John David Galt. The rules
to these are in German and English. There are also two alternative maps by Wolfram.
– The Wabash Cannonball variant
This introduces a new company, the Wabash Railroad, which starts in hex H2. The map
is extended to the west, moving Chicago a couple of hexes west in the process. There
is an overlay for hex D20, which makes the hex north east of the NYC base a value 20
station in a grey hex. There is one additional train of type ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’ and ‘5’, and eight
‘7’ trains, which cost $830 and replace the Diesels. You cannot trade in a train for a ‘7’
as you could for a Diesel. There are also a few extra tiles - one extra 57, one extra 15,
and two brown tiles that are the same as a 15 tile and valued at 40. These brown tiles
are not numbered, but the design has been used in a number of games and is identical
to tiles 448 (1854/1889) and 776 (1860).
– The ‘Simple’ variant
This variant introduces two new companies. The CMStP&P starts in D2, while the L&N
starts in H4. The optional third ‘6’ train should be used, but no other trains added.
There are two new tiles - both grey - which come out when the first ‘6’ is bought. One
is an upgrade to New York, as used in 1856, and one upgrade for the Baltimore/Boston
tiles. This variant is recommended for 5 or 6 players only. I presume it is called the
‘Simple’ variant because the changes are simple, not because it makes the game
simpler :-)
– Alternative Maps
These maps are based on random maps produced by the 1830 computer program. The
maps produced by the program can be very unbalanced, so Wolfram used those as a
starting point and then reworked them to get a better balance.
I have a number on order from Wolfram, but don’t know quite when to expect them. Half
of those are already reserved. If you’re interested I’ll be selling them for £20 plus post and
packing, which is about the same price if you buy directly from Wolfram. It’s quite light, so
post and packing should be£4 at the most for the UK. Let me know if you want a copy.
I’ve been unable to locate any further details on Wolfram Janich’s Nickel Plate variant.
Wabash by Harry Wu
Described briefly above by Kieth Thomasson, and pictured below by Knurt on BoardgameGeek:

I’ve been unable to find any further details, especially regarding the rules.
Westpark by Warter Sorger
I’ve assembled a PDF of the rules for the Westpark Variant.