Posts about Game support

Condensed English rules for So Long Sucker

Another older file, the condensed game-oriented rules for So Long Sucker, the economic theory game developed by John Forbes Nash, Mel Hausner, Lloyd S. Shapley and Martin Shubik in 1950. It is a stunning exercise and analysis tool for applied game theory. The rules for So Long Sucker on a single page: rules.

As always, corrections and comments are welcomed.

Unified English rules for Intrige

I made this a while ago. A slightly older copy has been posted to Boardgamegeek. The collated and edited rules for the 2003 Amigo and 1995 FX Schmidt versions of Intrige1: rules.

As always, comments and corrections are welcomed.

  1. I’ve not looked at the rules for the recent English edition from Mayfair Games, but believe it to be consistent with these rules.